Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bounce wit' me

So I replaced my awesome retro folding chair that I'd been using as a computer chair with an exercise ball a couple days ago. So far I'm not sure about the health effects, but its a heckuva lot of fun to bounce on. I can't say that it's done much for my typing skills, though. It has also caused me to have a certain clip from The Office in mind.

In other news.... there's a lot of news in my life.
To cover some of the things I'm most excited about though:
I had 3 tests last week and two mid-term papers due yesterday. I'm not certain how I did on all of them yet, but they are all done. Hallelujah, they are all DONE. And that is what really matters.
I also am in the process of training to be a volunteer for one on one tutoring at Bridgerland Literacy. That means that within a couple of weeks I'll be working with either an illiterate or English as a second language adult, or a child who is behind in their reading level. I'm really excited for this opportunity! I love teaching and I LOVE reading, so this is just perfect.
AND, what I am most excited about is the "new pair of jeans" I've been trying out for the past month. So far, they seem to fit wonderfully. They're not too clingy, but they are very comfortable and make me feel pretty. More updates on these awesome, erm, "pants" to follow.


Anonymous said...

Never thought of doing that with the exercise ball. Under the desk would be a great place to store it, too. Hmm...

Steph Hansen said...

Yes, but be warned, if you sit on it with bad posture it can mess up your back. But if you sit up straight, it's great! It also helps me not feel so guilty for spending time on the computer because I'm not just sitting still.

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

I love The Office! I'm excited to here about these "jeans".

Shelayna said...

Hahahhaha Steph! I too have an exercise ball as my computer chair! I have had it for like 2 years and I love it! Its very fun and when i watch tv on hulu or something i do situps in the commercials! Yay us!