Sunday, December 14, 2008

And love it

Ever since the death of Elder Wirthlin I've been pondering a lot on his last conference talk, "Come what may and love it." I've been trying to catch myself in moments of pessimism and do a quick attitude check. I try to laugh maybe not at situations all the time, but more often in situations. As a girl in my ward said a little while back,"You don't have to like something to love it." You can love what the challenge can help you to become, how it can help you to further shape your character. Build patience, kindness and true charity. I try to not let anything, especially the small things, such as not being able to find my car keys, really fluster me. I try to smile and shake my head, maybe even chuckle a bit. Even a forced laugh is better than muttering under your breath, only furthering your own anxiety. Now, try is definitely the operative word in all of this. I am not professing to be anywhere near perfection in this or any area. But, when it comes right down to it, the best any of us can ever be asked to do is try, right? (Beware all ye who would throw quotes at me, I am no Star Wars fan. Don't go all, "Do or do not" on me or I'll go Yoda on ya.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Well, I finally got a blog. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with it, but hang on to your hats friends, cuz here we go!
I guess I'll introduce myself. I'm a 20 year old woman. I am unabashedly conservative. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I am not currently enrolled in college and I just got back from working 5 months up in Jackson, WY at a place called Bar-T-5 Chuckwagon adventures and will be starting work at the Anniversary Inn again tomorrow after being gone for almost exactly a year.
I love life and have been described in many ways. One of my favorites was, "You're like caramel. Really sweet right from the start and bubbly once you warm up." I owe that one to Alicia's friend, Darren. The main things people say about me (to my face at least, haha) is that I am very talkative and very happy. It's hard to find me not smiling. For the most part I am a very happy and upbeat person, and yes, it is genuine.